Australian Corporate Games

Each year the various Corporate Games attract a total of more than 22,000 participants from thousands of organisations around Australia. Over 140,000 individuals, representing 3,000 companies have competed in the Games so far. (The largest team to date was from ANZ who entered 1,233 employee athletes in 2007.)
The Australian Corporate Games collectively form Australia's largest multi-sport championships. Sydney hosted the first Games in 1993, with over 1,200 competitors taking part. The Games expanded to Melbourne in 1997 and then to Brisbane in 2000 and are now held annually in each of these capital cities (along with a 'Winter Games' in Thredbo). You can choose to join individual and/or team events and are eligible to play more than one sport as long as the events are not scheduled for the same day. If you work for yourself, for a company that's not participating in the Games, or you just want to join in the fun, be part of the Double Drummer team! It's a great way to meet new friends while playing your favourite sport and it's open to all ages and skill levels. In such an important year for international sport, you can participate in your very own multi-sport event in 2008 AND help raise money for Diabetes Australia-Queensland. Join Double Drummer and compete in the DD Corporate Games team from May 16-18.